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Did you know that every feeling you have affects some part of your body? While positive emotions such as gratitude have been scientifically linked to a number of beneficial health effects, negative emotions and stress can wreak havoc your health.

Extreme grief can also have a devastating impact, and research confirms that in the days following the loss of a loved one, your risk of suffering a heart attack increases by 21 times.

While the exact mechanics of these mind-body links are still being unraveled, what is known is that your brain, and consequently your thoughts and emotions, play a distinct role in your experience of physical pain, and can contribute to the development of chronic disease.

Board Certified Nutritionist & Holistic Health Practitioner Isabelle Simon, M.A., C.N. will be sharing with us simple, cost-effective natural integrative and functional supportive tools & practices she uses for herself, her family and her clients to promote and sustain a healthy physical & emotional heart, even during challenging times.


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