Categories: Wellness Consulting

Eat Right, Fuel Good!

In its most simplistic function, food is fuel for our bodies. What we eat affects the way we feel, physically and emotionally, and our ability to perform our daily tasks.  In a similar way you would not put diesel in a gasoline car, you want to give your body the proper fuel it needs in order to function at its best.

But what does proper fueling mean? In a nutshell it means:

Eating right for your Metabolic Type – we all need proteins, carbs & fats, but in different ratios. Knowing your MT will help you feel energized, focused, lose & then maintain ideal weight, reduce inflammation, avoid diseases. If you do not know your MT, I can help you identify it, just reach out to me.

Eating whole foods – From a DNA stand point, we are only .01% different than cave men were. However, the average American diet is not even remotely close to resembling what our ancestors ate. So, focus on eating real, unprocessed wholesome foods, as opposed to faux (fake), synthetic, chemically infested “foods”. I teach a class on how to read food labels and recognize where the chemicals are hidden in the “foods” you eat.  It will change your life and the way you eat forever, guaranteed. Contact me for more details.

Choosing organic, grass fed, free range – we are what we eat, and what we digest. Chemicals sprayed onto produce will end up in your body, hormones & antibiotics fed to animals will too! This will cause havoc in the various systems of the body: immune, digestive, adrenal, nervous, cardiovascular. You end up with a toxic body, and a lot of “symptoms” that are just signals your body is sending you to let you know something is not quite right.  Curious about your toxicity levels? Send me an email at, write “toxicity” in the subject line, and receive your FREE toxicity assessment.

Drinking clean water – Chemicals from plastic bottles do leach into the water you are drinking. So, avoid them. The ideal best choice is a purification system for the whole house, as it will also save your hair, skin and appliances. The next best choice is a filtration system inside your fridge or a store bought filtered pitcher (like Brita or Pure).

Chose whole food organic supplements – Not all supplements are created equal.  Indeed, the majority of them are made synthetically. Isolated nutrients or synthetic nutrients are not natural, in that they are never found by themselves in nature. Taking these isolated nutrients, especially at the ultra-high doses found in formulas today, is more like taking a drug. Studies show the body treats these isolated and synthetic nutrients like xenobiotics (foreign substances).

How do you tell whether or not a supplement you’re taking is a good choice? For starters, make sure it has the following characteristics:

  • It is made with real food, preferably organic. Read the ingredients list! It should read items like: kale, mushrooms, alfalfa, spleen, carrot, etc…All words you can pronounce!
  • The upmost care has been taken in all phases of its production, from growing its ingredients, to manufacturing, testing for potency and quality control.
  • The company has a long track record of providing high quality products that produce good clinical results.

As a nutritionist, I get bombarded with reps from company X, Y, Z, who want me to endorse their brand of supplements because it is “the greatest of all”. Translation:  they are a lot of “#1s in America” today!  My killer 3 questions to them are always: 1) are these whole foods? 2) are they organic? 3) how long have they been in business? (I want 15 years or more of proven records).  If they don’t meet ALL these criteria, I won’t event take a look and my answer is: “Thanks, but no thanks”.

Not sure if your supplements pass the test?  Call me at 727-239-9443 or e-mail me at and I can help you figure out the answer.

Published by
Isabelle Simon

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