Natural Detox Program | Tampa

Many Tampa residents who wish to improve their health can do so with a natural detox program. While many think that detoxing requires a lot of hard work and even starving themselves, that is not true! In fact, for most people, simply removing inflammatory and processed foods from the diet along with alcohol, sugars, and other foods that cause negative reactions in the body can be highly effective for detoxing. By removing certain foods and drinks from the average American’s diet, you can see:

  • Energy boost
  • Weight loss
  • Remove internal waste
  • Enhance immunity
  • Clear up and brighten skin
  • Defog your mind

What a Natural Detox Program Entails

If you decide to embark on a natural detox program, you can expect to make some sacrifices. Nearly everyone in Tampa Bay has some sort of vice, whether that is alcohol, smoking, or sweets.

You will have to forgo alcohol, tobacco, dairy products, added sugars, artificial sweeteners, coffee, certain grains, fatty meats, and more. Say goodbye to those delicious Cuban sandwiches and mini donuts for a while! A healthy life does not ban any food, but rather ensures that you are getting a healthy diet and consuming your vices in moderation.

Avoid processed foods, which are mostly found in the aisles of grocery stores in Tampa. Try to stay around the perimeter of the store where the fresh produce and healthy foods are found. This is where you will find the best foods for a natural detox program.

Add Essential Oils

Whether you apply them topically, take them internally, or use them for aromatherapy, essential oils can be an excellent boost for a natural detox program in Tampa.


Peppermint cleans out the lymphatic system, flushes out excess fat, and promotes digestive health. Used topically, peppermint is great for gallbladder function and helps to reduce bodily inflammation.


Grapefruit is helpful in boosting moods, easing anxiety, quelling negative energy, and enhancing overall wellbeing. This citrus oil is an antiviral, antiseptic, diuretic aid that helps the body flush out toxic materials. It helps to alleviate anxiety, boost the mood, and uplift spirits. When used during the detoxification process, grapefruit helps to decrease undesirable mucus production.


Many people in Tampa use ginger to soothe the stomach and to quell nausea. It also helps ease digestion and relieve motion sickness. Adding this oil to your lineup can help cleanse internal organs such as the liver, even out your blood sugar levels, and boost your metabolism.


Lemongrass does it all. It is an analgesic, an antioxidant, and an astringent, meaning it helps drain unwanted toxins from the body. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, and anti-fungal agent.


Lemon is a citrus oil, which is a stimulatory agent. This means it helps fight infection by provoking white blood cells and therefore, fighting infection. It also is a natural detox program agent that promotes cleansing and purging of toxins from organs like the kidneys and liver. The tangy aroma also brightens the mind and clarifies the senses.


Lavender is most known for its soothing, calming effects on the body. It is excellent for quelling anxiety as well as ensuring a calm mind for a good night’s sleep. If you suffer from headaches, poor digestion, sleep disorders, anxiety, or chronic pain, diffusing lavender can be an excellent way to help your body heal.

Wild Orange

Another citrus oil that stimulates the body, wild orange is an energy-boosting oil that boosts mood and lifts the spirit. If you want to flush toxins from the body, wild orange is excellent for purging unwanted chemicals and substances from the organs. Plus, the scent is bursting with tang and flavor, which is perfect for fighting depression and anxiety.

Choose Simon Wellness Consulting for Your Natural Detox Program

If you are interested in participating in a detox program to improve your health, choose Simon Wellness Consulting. We help Tampa Bay area residents make healthier choices to improve their overall well-being. Choosing a path to wellness does not have to be complicated or difficult. With a little help from the professionals at Simon Wellness, you can easily turn your health around for the better.

To learn more about our natural detox program or other services that we offer, give us a call today at 727-239-9443 or reach out to us online. We look forward to helping you choose a healthy, happy life full of smart choices in Tampa.