Categories: Wellness Consulting

Tips for a Safer Summer

Summer just started, and should be as easy and carefree as the long days ahead. That’s why this month we’re bringing you a safer summer series to help protect you and your family’s health all season long.

Have a Safer Summer — Read Your Labels

Like many of you, several years ago, I didn’t know what I didn’t know. As I applied sunscreen, lotion, and any number of beauty products on myself and my family members, I never thought for a second they might not be safe: After all, I thought, I grew up in France which has strict regulations regarding skin care products safety. I now live in the USA, a country that regulates everything, and expected the same type of strict regulations to be in place.

So imagine my surprise when I learned that when it comes to the personal care industry, that’s simply not the case. In the USA, companies are allowed to use known toxins—ingredients that have been linked to cancer, reproductive issues, hormone disruption—without telling us. While the European Union has spent the past two decades banning or restricting more than 1,300 ingredients, the US has only banned 11 to date, and the United States has not passed a major federal law to regulate the safety of ingredients used in personal care products since 1938.

Summer Safety Isn’t Limited to Sunscreen and Staying Hydrated

Welcome the official start of Summer with safer, high-performing essentials for your lips, face, body, and hair that leave you to enjoy fun in the sun worry-free. That means on-the-go makeup, skincare designed for a sun-kissed complexion, and other multitaskers—all of which have passed Beautycounter’s rigorous five-step Ingredient Selection Process. Must-Haves for a safer Summer available here .

To learn more about how you and your family can have a safer summer in Tampa Bay, contact Simon Wellness Consulting. We provide nutritional counseling, metabolic testing, and a number of other services that help you be your best, healthiest self.

Fill out form below to request your FREE skin care safety consultation today!

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Published by
Isabelle Simon

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