Wellness at Work

Benefits of Work Wellness Programs

While our advances as humans have made many of our day to day activities more convenient, they have also had a negative influence on our health. More and more people are spending time staring at screens, leading to a sedentary lifestyle. This lifestyle can lead to chronic disease, decreased quality of life, and illnesses. Many of us spend most of our time at work in Tampa and St. Petersburg. Because of this, efforts to improve health and wellness are most effective, beneficial, and convenient when added into our professional lives in the form of wellness programs.

Fortunately, more people are becoming both more aware and concerned about their health. Because of this, businesses are starting to look for cost-efficient solutions for employee health management. These are also known as corporate wellness programs. At Simon Wellness Consulting of St. Petersburg and Tampa Bay, we offer Work Wellness Programs. These are made for companies looking to improve the overall health along with the well-being of their employees and, in turn, the success of their business.

Benefits of our Work Wellness Programs in St. Petersburg:

  • Lifelong behavior changes
  • Active participation
  • Increased productivity and job satisfaction
  • Improved attitude and support
  • Fewer medical claims and expenses
  • Increased revenue

In order for health programs to be effective, there has to be awareness, engagement, and motivation as well. Employees are more likely to participate if they are able to see how they will personally benefit from it. Our services allow businesses to inform, educate, and assist employees in healthier lifestyle changes through accessibility, connectivity, and also custom programs.

At Simon Wellness Consulting, we know that no two companies are the same. Because of this, we don’t have one, cookie-cutter program to use. We create custom programs depending on the specific needs of your company. This makes for a valuable investment with long-term benefits. We work with groups of all sizes and offer our services across a variety of platforms, including:

  • 1-hour modules
  • Lunch n’ Learns
  • Internet Webinars
  • Individual Sessions
  • Combination of these

In our work wellness programs, we offer services to businesses in the St. Petersburg and Tampa Bay area on a wide range of topics. To schedule a consultation, give Isabelle Simon a call today at 727-239-9443, or email her at isabelle@simonwellnessconsulting.com.

Published by
Isabelle Simon

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