Diets vs. Personalized Eating Plan
April 25, 2018 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm EDT
We always read about diets, new trends, and are looking for the “magic” secret that works for everyone! The truth is, there is an enormous level of biochemical and genetic individuality that essentially guarantees that there is no perfect food plan that will work for everyone. As a Practitioner for over 18 years, Board Certified Holistic Health & Nutritionist Isabelle Simon has come to appreciate that we are all uniquely designed and require customized plans.
In this dynamic seminar, Isabelle will share ways to determine what YOUR customized eating plan should look like. One of the underlying principles of her approach is to “Listen to Your Body” and adjust your foods based on how you feel mentally and physically after consuming them. Her guidelines will help you modify your food intake until you find the right balance.
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