Green & Clean Living with Essential Oils – Make & Take Class
May 23, 2018 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm EDT
There is no need to pull out your rubber gloves and surgical masks when you clean your home. It might surprise you to know that you can concoct simple and inexpensive non-toxic cleaners from ingredients already lying around your house.
Many essential oils have demonstrated the ability to inhibit or kill various types of bacteria, mold spores, and even viruses. These disinfectant properties of essential oils make them a natural substitute for the harsh chemicals used in many commercial cleaners. Essential oils can also work as natural deodorizers, without the artificial fragrances used in some products. Come & join Board Certified Holistic health Practitioner Isabelle Simon for this fun, hands-on DIY make & take class where you will learn how to use essential oils to create your own cleaning sprays that are not only safe on the environment, but safe for your family as well.
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