Informed Self-Care & Pro-Active Medical Care – Because Good Health is a Choice, Not a Chance
January 13, 2019 @ 10:15 am - 11:15 am EST
Deciding to make healthier choices should last longer than a couple of weeks after we make our New Year’s resolutions. And it certainly isn’t about doing and extreme diet or exercise program. It is about a lifestyle proactively focused on healthier, sustainable habits. In other words, good health is a choice, not a chance!
In her ” Informed Self-Care & Pro-Active Medical Care” presentation, Board Certified Nutritionist & Holistic Health Practitioner Isabelle Simon, M.A., C.N. will be sharing with us the key components for re-building health, and the integrative and functional supportive tools, methods & practices she uses for herself, her family and her clients to promote and sustain a healthy body and mind, even during challenging times.
Limited space – RSVP below – Seminar will be held in the “I AM Center” for the campus
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