Are Your Sunscreen and Bug Spray REALLY Protecting You?
June 14, 2017 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm EDT
As we are approaching the Summer outdoor months, going to the beach or the park can be fun and relaxing, but it can also bring unpleasant outcome such as: bug bites and sun burn.
So, you pull out your sunscreen and bug spray hoping to protect yourself and your children. But did you know that is has been since 1938 that the U.S. Congress passed a federal law to regulate the ingredients used in personal care products, including sunscreens and insect repellents?
While the European Union has banned over 1, 500 chemicals from its personal care products, the U.S. has only restricted 11! This means that not knowingly, you are potentially slathering harmful chemicals onto your body every time you use sunscreen and other skin care products.
Board Certified Nutritionist & Holistic Health Practitioner Isabelle Simon, M.A., C.N. will teach you how to assess the safety of the products you use daily for yourself and your family and what healthier options are readily available to you.
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