Detox • Cleanse • Purification (21 days)
Our body’s natural detoxification system is designed to support our health by eliminating waste products from our metabolism and from environmental toxins. Like any other hardworking system, it needs periodic rest and support to continue functioning optimally. Because of the way we live today, our detoxification system faces increasing pressure, making the need for such rest and support greater than ever. This program will teach you how to rest and restore your body’s natural detoxification abilities. In the meantime, I teach you how you can make simple but important long-term changes in your diet, environment, and mental attitudes that will have lasting effects on your health – and decrease the stress on your body’s own detoxification capabilities.
If you suffer from any of the following conditions, you may be suffering from toxic overload and will benefit from doing the detox/purification program: arthritis, autoimmune diseases, bad breath, bloating, cancer, chronic fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, difficulty concentrating, excess weight or difficulty losing weight, fluid retention, fibromyalgia, food cravings/allergies/sensitivities, headaches, heart disease, IBS, migraines, heartburn, joint pain, menopausal symptoms (mood swings, hot flashes), menstrual problems (PMS, heavy bleeding, cramps), muscle aches, puffy eyes and dark circles, sinus congestion, postnasal drip, skin rashes, sleep problems.
The program can be done for 21 days, during which you will:
The program includes:
The program includes: an initial online wellness assessment, a 21-day supply of organic, whole food detoxifying supplements and protein shakes, a pantry list, 21 daily support e-mails, over 60 recipes (breakfasts, lunches, snacks, dinners & smoothies), unlimited phone/text coaching with expert Isabelle Simon for the duration of the program, and convenient tracking from your phone with our new app! This is a comprehensive program at the end of which I guarantee you will feel more refreshed, rested, and peaceful. And if you need to lose some weight, you will, as most toxins get stored in fat.
People who have completed the 21-day purification program with the support of Holistic Health Practitioner Isabelle Simon have anecdotally reported:
Female/Male Vitality (10 days)

One of the greatest feelings in life is being healthy and full of energy – especially with the fast-paced lives that most women endure. When your body has balanced hormones and is properly nourished, you can be ready to handle the stress that life brings. The cause and symptoms of being unbalanced can be helped my making simple dietary & lifestyle changes, along with supplements and herbal products – start by doing that during this 10-day Program and get ready to experience a new sense of vitality. This 10-day program is designed to start your journey to regaining optimal health and vitality. Includes: an initial online wellness assessment, a 10-day supply of organic, whole food detoxifying supplements and protein shakes, 10 daily support emails and unlimited phone/text coaching with expert Isabelle Simon for the duration of the program.
Blood Sugar Balance (10 days)

Maintaining a controlled blood sugar level is imperative for your optimal health. Even if you have not been diagnosed with having diabetes, blood sugar levels that are consistently unbalanced can have detrimental effects on your body. This 10-day program is designed to start your journey to regaining optimal health and vitality. Includes: an initial online wellness assessment, a 10-day supply of organic, whole food detoxifying supplements and protein shakes, 10 daily support emails, and unlimited phone/text coaching with expert Isabelle Simon for the duration of the program.
Anti-Inflammation (10 days)

Reducing the effects of inflammation is a key factor in supporting and improving your overall function. A healthy inflammatory response system is important as we age. The combination of sub-optimal dietary and lifestyle habits make it vital to support the body’s inflammatory response. This program is designed to start your journey to a renewed level of health and well being. Includes an initial online wellness assessment, a 10-day supply of organic, whole food detoxifying supplements and protein shakes, 10 daily support emails, and unlimited phone/text coaching with expert Isabelle Simon for the duration of the program.