42 events found.
essential oils
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Back to School Essentials for Parents & Non-Parents Alike
Simon Wellness Consulting 4890 122nd Ave N - Ste #2, Feathersound AreaIt’s that time of year again—kids and teenagers have headed back to school. Supplies have been purchased, and the school year routine is settling in. But have you also thought about other essential must-haves you & your kids need this [...]
Green & Clean Living with Essential Oils – Make & Take Class
First Unity Spiritual Campus 460 46th Ave N. - Lagatutta Hall, St. PeterburgThere is no need to pull out your rubber gloves and surgical masks when you clean your home. It might surprise you to know that you can concoct simple and inexpensive non-toxic cleaners from ingredients already lying around your house. [...]
Essential Oils 101 & More
Hip Expressions Dance Studio 2033 54th Ave N, St. PetersburgIf you have ever enjoyed the scent of a rose, or of a peeled orange, you’ve experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils. These naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other [...]