42 events found.
healthy habits
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Revolutionize Your Health with Lifelong Vitality
Isla del Sol Golf & Country Club 6210 Sun Blvd - Bldg F - 2nd Floor - Recreation Room, St PetersburgEvery once in a while, a day rolls around when your usual drive and energy have disappeared. The do-to list lengthens, cynicism creeps in, and it seems like you’ll never get everything accomplished. If you’re feeling tired, bored, or uninspired [...]
Are Your Sunscreen and Bug Spray REALLY Protecting You?
Simon Wellness Consulting 4890 122nd Ave N - Ste #2, Feathersound AreaAs we are approaching the Summer outdoor months, going to the beach or the park can be fun and relaxing, but it can also bring unpleasant outcome such as: bug bites and sun burn. So, you pull out your sunscreen [...]
How-to Avoid the Food Pushers this Season!
Simon Wellness Consulting 4890 122nd Ave N - Ste #2, Feathersound AreaDo you or someone you know: Feel the Holiday pressure? Can’t Say No to food pushers? Don’t want to hurt your friends’ feelings? Get remarks about your diet? Always feel uncomfortable at dinner table? If you answered yes to any [...]